National Hazard Mitigation Association, Emerging Leaders Committee Virtual Information Session, March 10
FirEUrisk Information, Data and Visualisation Tools Webinar, March 10
Fire and Emergency Protection Plan Development Webinar, March 11
Lessons learned from L.A. Webinar, March 11
Floods Don't Wait, and Neither Should You Webinar, March 11
Moral Dilemmas and Political Tradeoffs in Peacekeeping Operations Webinar, March 11
ARSET - Landslide Monitoring and Risk Assessment Using NASA Earth System Data Online Training Course, March 11-18
Celebrating 25 Years of Planning Webinar, March 12
Our cities are heating up dangerously – can we prepare Webinar, March 12
Integrating Digital Innovations within Humanitarian Operations Webinar, March 12
Lithium-ion Battery Challenges and Best Practices Webinar, March 12
New York State Environment Bond Act Webinar, March 12
Building a Performance Management System Using the Foundational Public Health Services Framework Webinar, March 12
Why are we Divided Webinar, March 12
Leveraging South-South and triangular cooperation: inclusive and technological innovations for urban health and disaster risk reduction Virtual Training Course, March 12, 19 & 26
An Overview of FEMA THD REP Program Webinar, March 13
Disaster preparedness: Why funding before a disaster is crucial Webinar, March 13
Implementing and Enhancing Bystander Reporting Programs in K-12 Schools Webinar, March 13
Building a greener future for sustainable farming through fertilizer innovations Webinar, March 13
War in Ukraine and Lessons for Asia Webcast, March 13
Family Voices of California Emergency Preparedness Webinar, March 14